Introduction: React and Next.js in Web Development

React and Next.js are both widely used tools in the world of web development. While both are essential for building modern web applications, they are often classified differently – React as a library and Next.js as a framework. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this classification and explore the core differences between React and Next.js.

React: The Library for Building User Interfaces

Component-Based Approach

At its core, React is all about building user interfaces using a component-based architecture. It provides developers with the tools to create reusable UI components, such as buttons, forms, and navigation bars. This component-centric approach simplifies the development process and promotes code reusability.

Focus on the User Interface

React’s primary focus is on the user interface. It excels at rendering and updating UI components efficiently. React doesn’t dictate how you should structure your entire application; instead, it offers a specific solution for the UI layer.

Minimal Boilerplate

React is intentionally minimalistic. It provides the essential tools for building user interfaces but leaves other aspects, such as routing, state management, and server-side rendering, to be handled by additional libraries or solutions of your choice. This flexibility allows developers to tailor their stack to suit their project’s specific needs.

Next.js: The Framework for Building Web Applications

Beyond the UI Layer

Next.js, on the other hand, goes beyond the UI layer. It is a framework designed to address a broader range of concerns in web development. Next.js offers built-in solutions for server-side rendering, routing, and code splitting, among other things.

Opinionated Approach

Unlike React’s flexibility, Next.js follows an opinionated approach. It prescribes a set of conventions and best practices, making it easier for developers to get started quickly. This opinionated nature is a hallmark of frameworks.

Routing and Server-Side Rendering

Next.js simplifies client-side routing and enables server-side rendering (SSR) out of the box. SSR improves performance and search engine optimization (SEO) by rendering pages on the server and sending fully formed HTML to the client.

Key Differences: React vs. Next.js

Role and Scope

  • React: Primarily focused on building user interfaces and UI components.
  • Next.js: A framework that addresses a broader set of concerns, including UI, routing, SSR, and more.


  • React: Highly flexible, allowing developers to choose additional libraries for routing, state management, and other needs.
  • Next.js: Follows an opinionated approach, providing built-in solutions for many common tasks.


  • React: Minimal and lightweight, requiring developers to make choices about additional libraries and tools.
  • Next.js: Provides more built-in features, reducing the need for external dependencies and decision-making.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

  • React: Can be used with SSR libraries, but SSR is not a built-in feature.
  • Next.js: Offers built-in support for SSR, making it easier to implement server-side rendering.

Learning Curve

  • React: Easier to get started with but may require more decisions regarding the stack.
  • Next.js: Streamlines development with predefined conventions but may have a steeper learning curve for beginners.

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Project

In the world of web development, React and Next.js serve different purposes, and their classification as a library and a framework reflects these distinctions. React is a powerful library for building user interfaces and UI components, offering flexibility and minimalism. Next.js, on the other hand, is a framework that extends beyond UI, providing built-in solutions for various web development concerns.

When deciding between React and Next.js for your project, consider the scope and requirements. If you need a robust framework that simplifies many aspects of web development and prioritizes convention over configuration, Next.js might be the right choice. On the other hand, if you prefer a lightweight library that offers flexibility and lets you assemble your stack, React is an excellent option.